تقع «مدبغة الجلود» في المغرب في الجزء القديم من مدينة فاس المغربية. ويمكن لزوار المدينة والسواح الاستدلال على المدبغة بمجرد تجوالهم في الجزء القديم من المدينة؛ وذلك بسبب الرائحة النفّاذة للجلد المدبوغ.
The largest “leather tannery” in Morocco is located in the old part of the city of Fez. Tourists and visitors to Fez are guided to the tannery by the strong scent of the suede that is filling the air of the city. Tanning is one of the oldest crafts practiced by more than 1,200 workers of all ages in Fez, who inherited the profession and are still following the same tanning methods that were practiced six centuries ago. Leather tanning was an old source of wealth; those who worked in tanning enjoyed a prominent social status in Fez; tanneries were called Gold Houses.